0915 412 726


Štúrova 27, 040 01, Košice

Košická 2, 080 01 Prešov

Criminal law

Criminal law is one of the branches of public law that provides protection to the social interests listed in the Criminal Code against unlawful acts by determining what is a criminal offense, defining the conditions and preconditions of criminal liability, providing for penalties and protective measures and leading subjects to fulfill legal obligations and maintaining the rules of coexistence.

Law firm Mgr. Tomáš Čerepán offers its clients representation in the entire criminal proceedings, representation of suspects, accused persons, defendants and victims in criminal proceedings. I will discuss your position in criminal proceedings with you, evaluate the possibilities of defense and prepare the best possible strategy.

The need for prompt and qualified assistance is doubly true in criminal law. Therefore, use your right to consult a lawyer before you could harm yourself or your loved ones by thoughtless steps.

I provide in particular:

  • defending clients at all stages of criminal proceedings, including the participation of a lawyer in investigative proceedings
  • drawing up a complaint against the resolution on the initiation of criminal proceedings, against the resolution on detention / retention in custody
  • preparation of application for release from custody, conditional release from imprisonment, suspension of sentence
  • preparation and filing of criminal complaints
  • representation of victims in criminal proceedings
  • and others

If you are interested in a price offer, contact me either via the form below, by e-mail at advokat@cerepan.sk or by phone at +421 915 412 726.The initial consultation with the client is free of charge.


  • Lawyer´s Office
    Mgr. Tomáš Čerepán
  • Business Centre Košice,
    Štúrova 27, 040 01 Košice,
  • Administrative building
    of the bus station Prešov
    Košická 2, 080 01 Prešov,
  • 0915 412 726
  • advokat@cerepan.sk
  • www.cerepan.sk
  • Business ID: 50 001 540
    Tax ID: 1084938646
    Bank IBAN :
    SK76 0900 0000 0050 7805 6402

Contact me